JongSoo Lee

- Graduate Research Assistant
Contact Info
Biography —
JongSoo Lee is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Economics at The University of Kansas and a 2024-25 Doctoral Research Fellow at the Institute for Policy & Social Research (IPSR). His primary research interests include Education Economics, Immigration Economics, Regional Economics, and Divisia Monetary Aggregates.
Before pursuing his Ph.D., JongSoo earned both his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Economics from Yonsei University in South Korea. He believes in the principle that "No pain, no gain," which has guided his dedication to academic excellence and professional growth.
He also gained valuable research experience working at the Korea Labor Institute, the National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency (NECA), and the Incheon Technopark (ITP). In order to help resolve public welfare issues, he fought on the frontline as a secretary in the National Assembly of Korea.
His recent work has been published in esteemed academic journals, including Education Economics, Studies in Regional Development, and the Journal of Risk and Financial Management. For more information about his academic background and research contributions, please refer to his CV or the list of publications below.
Education —
Research —
Education Economics
Immigration Economics
Wage and Health Inequality
Regional analysis
Divisia Monetary Aggregates
Teaching —
GRA (SP25)
Previous Teaching Experience:
Econ 630: Industrial Organization and Antitrust Policy; Instructor of Record
Econ 142: Principles of Microeconomics; Instructor of Record, GTA
Econ 144: Principles of Macroeconomics; GTA
Selected Publications —
William A. Barnett, Lee, JongSoo and Mohiuddin, Naowar, 2024, Constructing Divisia Monetary Aggregates for the Asian Tigers, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, Special Issue Editorial Board Members' Collection Series, Thomas Stengos (ed.). Published open access at
Lee, JongSoo and Bit Na Choi, 2024, A Study on Regional Return to Education in South Korea: Comparison of Male and Female Wages, Education Economics: 1-19.
Lee, JongSoo and JiYoung Park, 2024, Investigating Implication of U.S. Megaregions to Korean Megaregion Development, The Studies in Regional Development, 56(1): 1-40.
Lee, JongSoo, 2023, "The Origin and Policy Implications of the U.S. Megaregion", MUREPA Critical Opinions.
Park, JiYoung, and JongSoo Lee, 2022, "A Study on the Planning for U.S. Megaregion", Research Paper. KIET.
Lee, JongSoo, 2022, "U.S. Government Artificial Intelligence Policy and the Future", MUREPA Critical Opinions.
Lee, JongSoo, 2017, "A Study On Regional Wage Differential in Korea". Quarterly Journal of Labor Policy. 17(2): 143-171. KLI.