November 2023 Undergraduate Newsletter

Economics Undergraduate Newsletter                                                                November 2023    _____________________________________________________________________________

Upcoming Events | News | Inter/Job Postings | Get Involved




Departmental News.

LinkedIn Group @ KU Econ Undergrads!

The Econ Department is starting a LinkedIn Group for undergraduates! The group can help you stay current and connect with other economics students.

Internship/Job Postings

Tax Policy Advisor

This position was highlighted by Professor Ginther. “The Tax Policy Advisor advocates to improve the financial security of Kansas children and families through policies that strengthen equity through the state’s tax system and credits for low-income families.” Please see this link if interested.

Volunteer In Ghana this Summer!

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Description automatically generatedThe volunteer program boasts two opportunities with multiple sessions, the first being  Community Health Evaluation: Session 1: June 22 - July 6, 2024, and Session 2: July 12 - July 26, 2024, the second opportunity being Girls Empowerment Camp: August 1 - August 15, 2024. If interested, please follow the links provided.

Upcoming Events

Econ Café | Thursday, Nov 30th 2:30 – 3:30 PM | 353 Snow Hall

A person pouring milk into a cup of coffee

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The Student Section

Quote of the Month

The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.- Friedrich August von Hayek

We want to hear from you!

The Department values your feedback, and we want to do/be better for you, our students! Please consider feedback to the Newsletter Feedback Form.

Questions or comments? Please get in touch with Savannah Bowden at For any administrative purposes, please contact Professor Dietrich Earnhart at