October 2023 Undergraduate Newsletter

Economics Undergraduate Newsletter                                                                   October 2023    _____________________________________________________________________________

Upcoming Events | News | Inter/Job Postings | Get Involved




Departmental News.

LinkedIn Group @ KU Econ Undergrads!

The Econ Department is starting a LinkedIn Group for undergraduates! The group can help you stay current and connect with other economics students.

Upcoming Events

Econ Café | Thursday, Sept 21st 2:30 – 3:30 PM | 353 Snow Hall

Internship/Job Postings

Check out Hirejayhawks for Intern/Job Postings

Recently Natalia Plotnikov from the Career Center visited Econ Café and spoke about internships and jobs. She mentioned the below availabilities are posted on HireJayhawks, and more!

  • Junior Analyst, Whetstone Capital Advisors, Mission Hills, KS
  • Associate – Valuation Services Group, Equity Methods, Scottsdale, AZ
  • Junior Business / Data Analyst & Quality Assurance Analyst, AstaCRS Inc., Nationwide
  • Economic Research Associate, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Kansas City, MO

The Student Section

A person with long hair smiling

Description automatically generatedStudent Highlights

Meet Alison! “I'm from Manhattan, KS. I'm a triple major in Economics, Math, and Environmental Studies, and I have a minor in Public Policy. My favorite animal is a monkey.” Feel free to highlight someone you know or yourself Here.

Quote of the Month

"An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today."- Lawrence J. PeterSubmit a joke or quote here.

We want to hear from you!

The Department values your feedback, and we want to do/be better for you, our students! Please consider feedback to the Newsletter Feedback Form.

Questions or comments? Please get in touch with Savannah Bowden at sbowden@ku.edu. For any administrative purposes, please contact Professor Dietrich Earnhart at earnhart@ku.edu.